Hjordis Oldfors

Hjördis Hanna Maria Oldfors (b. 1920 - d. 2014) was a celebrated Swedish ceramicist, painting, and textile artist. Oldfors is known for many series she designed at Upsala Ekeby which went on to become classics; including Poäng (Points), Kokos (Coconut), Trio (Trio), Palma (Palma), and Granit (Granite). Oldfors is represented at a number of museums including; National Museum (Sweden), Röhsska Museum, and at the Nordenfjeldske Konstindustrimuseum.

Though Oldfors was a late arrival to her ceramics career, beginning her studies in 1947 in Gothenburg, she became incredibly successful. Her career at Upsala Ekeby began in 1950 when she was 30 and she would go on to set up her own studio 'Bränd Form' with a number of exhibitions representing Upsala Ekeby and her own studio. The curators of the day are notably known to have said "She has an astonishing certainty in the abstract decor and its adaptation to the form. In this area, she does not have many competitors in our ceramics."

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